- Mountain View School District
- Employment Opportunities
- Open Positions
Open Positions
Professional Staff (Substitute)
7-12th grade school counselor day-to-day substitute. If you are interested, please submit an application, transcripts, and school counselor certificate to jworden@mvsd.net or mail materials to 11748 state route 106 Kingsley, PA 18826.
Athletic Openings
Track Assistant Coach
Assistant Cheerleading Coach
JV Softball Coach
5th/6th Grade Basketball CoachIf you are interested in applying for one of the above positions, please contact Mr. Pashchuck, Athletic Director, at
570-434-8125 or at apashchuck@mvsd.netSupport Staff
1 Custodian Positions (Full-Time): The Mountain View School district currently has an opening for two custodians. A high school diploma/equivalent is required at a starting rate of $12.70 per hour and benefits per the MVESPA Agreement. Applications are accepted until the position is filled. If you are interested, please submit an application to Jessica Worden, Business Office. EOE
2 Custodian Positions (Part-Time): This custodial position is for up to 16 hours per week. High School Diploma or GED required with a starting rate of $12.70 per hour and benefits per the MVESPA Contract. f you are interested, please submit an application to Jessica Worden, Business Office. EOE